Tuesday, September 17, 2013

6 Lean Start-up Resource persons you should be following as a start-up

 "If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." - Isaac Newton

This list is by no means exhaustive and could have more people added to it in the nearest future. If you have no idea of what Lean is all about and how it relates to start-up, I suggest you read this first

  1. Steve Blank

    Popular proponent of customer development, author of 4 Steps to Epiphany, and If you’ve ever heard the term “Get out of the Building” used in a start-up context, yes, that’s Steve Blank. Highly experienced in field of start-ups - having been part of about a dozen or more successful start-ups, he shares his lessons and experience with the start-up world. You should keep tabs on him.
  2. Eric Ries

    Author of The Lean Startup and a major player in the Lean start-up movement. His works on the lean method is what gives entrepreneurs around the world a better chance of being successful in business and management as well as a technology entrepreneur. I probably won't be writing this, without having seen his early works on the lean start-up methods. He is the hero.
  3. Alex Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur

    Key contributors to business model generation, from which they developed the business model canvas. The canvas presents an intuitive way to visually capture the most critical aspect of your start-up - the business model. They also co-authored a book on that subject. Get a preview here.
  4. Ash Maurya

    Ash’s works are simply enlightening. Founder, Spark59 and author of Running Lean  and soon to be released “Customer Factory”. His works also includes the remodelling of the Business model canvas by Alex Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur (above)  into the lean canvas. Signup for one of his email courses and see the light about how your business model is the real product.
  5. kevin dewalt

    Kevin’s latest start-up – So Helpful is a unique one, and I presume the lightbulb moment could be while applying lean principles from his vast experience in the startup field. Indeed a very helpful persona. He would be co-anchoring a webinar with Eric Ries soon, (Mentioned above) on leanstartups and customer development around the world. Highly resourceful.
  6. Stephany Hay

    Lean Content authority.  Are you looking to commence online writing or perhaps you are in the business of blogging or content creation for marketing purposes, Stephany Hay applys lean principles to writing and shares values on how helpful it could be. Fine, you may not be doing so bad in terms of content creation that gets the page-views, but by applying lean concepts to writing, you would see how much more better you could get with less.
There are a lot more people.

Locally, I have stumbled on one person that seems to apply lean concepts to their businesses - Bankole of techcabal. Brilliant.

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